Lot A1 Farm, E.B.D., Guyana



New GPC Inc. Donates Fire Safety Pamplets to Guyana Fire Service

The NEW GPC INC. donated a quantity of fire safety pamphlets to the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) as the organisation observes Fire Prevention Week 2014. The donation was made at the GFS’ Headquarters at Stabroek, Georgetown.

At the simple handing over ceremony, NEW GPC INC.’s Marketing Associate Ms. Livasti Bhooplall said the company was pleased to be associated with the event, noting that the pamphlets will aid in educating the general public about fire safety and prevention.

For the past five years, NEW GPC INC. has partner with the GFS to distribute pamphlets to schools across the nation as part of their prevention awareness drive. NEW GPC INC. believes that “fire loss is a national loss” and, as such, values the partnership with the Fire Service.

Receiving the pamphlets and giving brief remarks was Fire Prevention Officer Andrew Holder, who used the opportunity to thank the NEW GPC for once again coming on board to ensure that Guyanese were educated about safety and fire prevention. Mr. Holder noted that the gesture was a timely one since the GFS was soon to start the distribution process in schools.

Fire Prevention Week is being held under the theme: “Fire Safety, a national priority; get involved”.
the theme: “Fire Safety, a national priority; get involved”.

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