Lot A1 Farm, E.B.D., Guyana



GNBS Award for Occupational Health and Safety – Manufacturing

NEW GPC Inc. receives GNBS Award

The Guyana National Bureau of Standards presented its National Quality Awards 2021 at a ceremony held at Park Rayne on October 12, 2021.

At the ceremony, NEW GPC Inc. was awarded winner in the category “Occupational Health and Safety – Manufacturing” based on the GNBS’s assessment of the implementation of its SBM-02 standards against the quality management principles and safety and environmental criteria across local manufacturing entities.

The GNBS conducted its assessment at the company’s premises on May 13, 2021 and concluded that based on the evidence provided and interviews conducted, the company has highly implemented the seven (7) quality management principles of: Customer focus, Leadership, Engagement of people, use of process approach, improvement, evidence-based decisions and staff competence, in addition to maintaining well documented safety and environmental procedures.

In attendance at the ceremony to receive the award on behalf of the company were Mr. Sean Noel, Company Secretary and Ms. Leanna Simon, Quality Control Chemist and Chair of the company’s OSH Committee.

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